Hello All,
So I’ve got twitter tools working now SSL is built in which is fun and am currently writing a script to search twitter and then return 20 recent tweets. The problem is the data thats being returned and trying to convert it.
First off the code:
from twitter import *
consumer_key = ""
consumer_secret = ""
access_key = ""
access_secret = ""
auth = OAuth(access_key, access_secret, consumer_key, consumer_secret)
t = Twitter(auth = auth)
search = t.search.tweets(q="Andy Murray",result_type='recent', count=20)
d = op('tweets')
for statuses in search['statuses']:
for key, value in statuses.items():
if(key == "text"):
utf8val = value.encode('utf-8')
So this copies all of the tweets into the table named tweets but each row is formatted in byte format as follows:
b'Celebs Watch Andy Murray Win Wimbledon 2013 http://t.co/8F3JIG2hq4'
Yet when I leave it as string I get this error in the table DAT:
<UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode character '\u2026' in position 139: ordinal not in range(256)>
and this in the textport:
td.error: Str value expected.
Does TouchDesigners string type only support certain characters as python seems to think that the returned data is a string yet touch refuses to accept certain characters into DATs. UTF-8 byte format does work and I can use DATs to take out the extra fluff but it’d be much cleaner to just send the plain text straight from the script. Do I need to make a script to manually remove the invalid characters before sending this to the table or is there a certain way I can encode this?
It’s worth mentioning encoding to ascii format still has the b’ prefix and ’ suffix and encoding to latin-1 throws the error still unless I set it to ignore in which case the b’ prefix shows back up.