enttec open dmx usb

I am posting this here because this seems to be the most recent/active thread about the Enttec Open DMX USB.

As far as I can see from the forums it looks like this is not supported by TD?

I had one laying around and tried it the other day. Well, it was worth a try :wink:

@ben We just found how to do it :slight_smile:

You just need to install Freestyler DMX (rock the microphone :microphone::microphone:) and it will install “Art-Net to DMX.exe”. The process is the following:

  1. Connect your amazing Open Enttec

  2. Open Art-Net to DMX

  3. Select the correct Interface, the Network adapter to “”. Be careful because sometimes TD doesn’t catch the Art-Net bridge so just change the “Receive Net” to 1 and then to 0.

With all that you will have the OpenEnttec configured. To finish open the DMXOut CHOP, set it to Art-Net and write the correct network adress. HAVE FUN! :slight_smile:

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-28 at 23.23.15

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-28 at 23.23.31

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-28 at 23.23.44


Hey @Cypher-M I have the same problem with the enttec Open and this seems promising. But I’m on mac and Freestyler DMX seems Windows only. Any hint to a free software that would do the trick on mac? :pray:

I’m in the same spot, I tried to make a similar Art-Net bridge using QLC plus but it simply does not wanna talk to TD. QLC+ says no packets are being received Fromm TD even in passthrough mode.

After checking with ArtNet view it just seems like TD is not outputting Art-Net at all, QLC+ outputs no problem with the same network settings. It’s like a ghost DMXout Chop that won’t output anywhere.

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No idea, I’ve stopped working with mac since 2018 :confused:

After finagling with network settings for a while I found an easy solution, network settings on the DMX Out chop need to be the following:
IDK why Mac uses localhost instead of a normal IP address but whatever

If you then set up QLC+ on passthrough mode to receive Artnet and output DMX through the ENTTEC it works!

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Hey Marcus,

did I get that right?
non-comercial license is limited to 32 DMX channels? that means 10 led in RGB :((
didn’t know that.

@Sirom_VJ TD non-commercial is not limited in DMX output channels or universes.

It may have been back in 2015 (when the post you are responding to was made) but I’m betting that limitation was removed around that time because that’s when I started using it for DMX and I never ran into that limit.

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I tried the solution above from @Cypher-M and it works pretty nicely. thanks.

I ran into another problem, that might be more software/knowledge based.

I use 7 LED TUBES from Astera (AX 1) with the Asterabox. I am not able to make a perfect pixel mapping.

what could a way be, to get control over each single LED TUBE or over them all together, but well mapped.

Here a file. In the SETUP 1 I used a noise or different constants to test the output.

but in Setup 2 it didn’t went through.

LED_Mapping try pixelmapping of Astera AX1 and Freestyler Open DMX.toe (157.0 KB)

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@OrganicNode The only thing you are missing is something that scales the values to 0>255 instead of 0>1. That could either be a math CHOP multiplying everything by 255, or change the setting in the TOPto CHOPs to be 0>255 instead of 0>1.

Otherwise, everything else on the TouchDesigner side looks good. Are you sure the Astera Tubes are set to the correct mode? There are like a hundred different modes the Asteras can be in and if they are not in the correct DMX Profile / mode, the data they are expecting will not line up with the data you are putting out.

I think you want to be in mode 42 which is just 16 straight RGB pixels per fixture, so 48 DMX channels total (16 x 3 )

Here is the list of different DMX modes:

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hey, thanks for the fast answer. yes I am in mode 42 ;:slight_smile: thanks.

i ll have a look into that with the scaling. thanks.

would you do that scaling right after the merge and before the TOPTO?
math - range 0 - 255?

no, it should go somewhere AFTER the TOPto CHOP. you are trying to scale the values of the colors being sent to the DMXout CHOP, not the locations of the pixels. The TOPto CHOP expects to see sampling values between zero and one (which you already have working) and the DMXout CHOP expects to see values between 0 and 255.

Make sure the DMX addresses of the Asteras are set correctly ON the Asteras as well:
Tube 1: DMX Address 1
Tube 2: DMX Address 49
Tube 3: DMX Address 97
Tube 4: DMX Address 145
Tube 5: DMX Address 193
Tube 6: DMX Address 241
Tube 7: DMX Address 289

If that is all set correctly, then that’s as good as you are going to get. The pixel size on the Asteras is kinda big, so it may look like you’re not getting the highest resolution, but you probably are.

nice, that was it, what i didnt get. thanks. you jump into 48 - steps and give them the addresses.

i changed now the TOPTO to the mode 0-255.

let me try…


@Peeet strangely, somehow its still not working.
i dont get the signal out on the SETUP 2. what I wonder is, why in setup 1 (coming from noise>null>topto) I get many values, and on SETUP 2 (coming from render>ramp>null) just getting 3 values (r,g,b).

do you think it could have to do with that?

LED_Mapping try pixelmapping of Astera AX1 and Freestyler Open DMX.4.toe (160.0 KB)

setup 1 running

setup 2 nothing

You only need one DMX universe really, and the names of the CHOP channels going into the DMXout CHOP change when you switch between “scene 1” and “scene 2” so the routing table only actually gets used on one of the two scenes (not sure which since you have covered up the routing table with that ArtNet to DMX window)

Also, be aware, ArtNet is base zero and some devices will call the first ArtNet universe “Universe 0” and some devices / software will call ithe first ArtNet universe “Universe 1”.

You could send only 1 DMX universe out and make sure your CHOP channel name doesn’t change (and matches the routing table) or just remove the routing table reference from the DMXout CHOP and it will allow you to just select the first universe to send data to (remember about the base zero / base one discrepancy I just mentioned though)

Or you could put a rename CHOP just before the DMXout CHOP and set the channel name(s) to always be the same, just make sure it matches the routing DAT

thanks man, the renameing was the cluea. in the meantime I figure out in setup 1 how to make some ramp patterns…
but its way more cleaner with the render/grid setup from setup 2.

thanks a lot for your help

@Peeet as it is now running smothly, I wanted to ask, how you would send stuff to single ones?

meaning, now Ibhave a picture thatbis send as a chain of signals in one to all of the tubes. but if Id like to have some sequences, where every second tube, is on, or flickering, and the others differently? or the 3 center ones strong, and then fading out… etc

how do I have to think for that?

can I isolate signals to dmx adress ranges?


Hi @OrganicNode,

in keeping the forum a useful resource, please post questions that are not related to the original question in a new post.


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thanks for reminding me.
I will do.


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