Hello TD world
Anyone care to share resources on this please at live events?
A google finds that:
- one can use external applications to check ones work i.e. search: “Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool (PEAT)”
- The mathematical definition of the risk is i.e. x3 flashes per seconds of opposing changes in relative luminance of 10% (the risk increasing with red saturation and decreasing with partial fov) i.e. search “Understanding three-flashes-or-below-threshold” & w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/seizure-does-not-violate.htm
Anyone built a TD tool that minimizes the risk? by:
- calculating an input and maybe frame holding an output for a 1/3 of a second if two flashes are detected in the image within a second? Or maybe it modifies the exposure or blends to the next frame 1/3 of a second or plays backwards… or something?
- be able to dial in the fov. tolerance (take a centred 50mm photo at front of stage and zoom in to it to calculate change in fov)
not looking for medical advice here, just a bit of common sense risk reduction based upon a consensus of published guidelines.