EventChop - alter/edit running Events

Hello Everyone,

is there a way to alter a running event within the EventCHOP?

I`ve tried different things.

So im using the Op Snippet → EventChop → event replicate.

Im pressing random Tri or Square, then im locking op(‘event4’), and after that im trying different ways to alter stats.
Since when im unlocking the Event4 OP, it jumps back to its original state it was before.

But i guess the “time” is deeper located in TD. (ive also changed the decaytime of the event to 5000, so ive got enough time to test whiel its running)

Is there a way to jump back and forth in the created Event?
Like alter END Time?( 100 seconds to 120 seconds)
Or like op(‘timer1’).masterseconds= 120 ?

best wishes

Hello Aikon,

there is not too much control over an event once it has been triggered with the Event CHOP. If you create an event with the Event CHOP’s python method .createEvent() you can release the event early on with the releaseEvent() method.

But can you describe what you are trying to do? That might lead to alternative approaches to your task.


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Hello and Thank You for your reply =)

I’ve tested both Methods, but Yeah.

So basicly i want to trigger a Event, show a Animation, and if needed, extends the “runtime” of the Animation.

Let’s take the cubes Event example.

We create them, they move to the middle Part, stay there for 1 second and go back to Start and stop to exist.

My goal is to f.e. change the “time” the second cube moves, so it becomes slower, stays longer at the push of a button.
10 seconds while running to 15 seconds.

Or imagine it like a loading Bar.

x ist White and the under ist empty.
if the Event is started the Bar moves towards zero. But if i push a button it adds 10 seconds on top, so the time it needs to reach zero is longer.

I hope this gives a bit more Detail.

Best wishes

Hi @Aikon,

generally speaking, when triggering Events with the before mentioned .createEvent() method, you can adjust the speed or all ADSR related values of an event at the time of triggering the event.

On the other hand, a loading bar might be simpler to implement with a Timer CHOP, setting the length parameter, and if necessary changing the speed parameter while the timer is running.

Hope this helps

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Thank you for your fast answer, =)

Ive tried that " .createEvent() method ".

But as soon as It’s started, you cant change the running time.

If It’s 10 seconds when the ".createEvent(time=10)` Method is being used, it will stay that way, until It’s done or released.

But im looking for a way to change the Set value of 10, to 20 or 50 before the process is done. So it stays longer alive.

You are right about the timerCHOP.

But i would need to build a Code, that creates a timer, runs, edits speed x additional math time ,and timerCHOP.destroy() at the end.

I was hoping that the eventCHOP could save me from that work.

Best wishes

Hi @Aikon,

you can just keep a Timer CHOP around for these purposes. With the default Active parameter setting of “While running” it wont cook when not running.


Hello there you amazing people, =)

maybe somebody in the future will need a workaround for this.

For a single case im using a timerCHOP.

I have also added a TOX .

timer_adding_time.tox (2.9 KB)


Here is a Version with a script that creates a timer if you active it.

Every created timerChop will destroy itself after the timer is done and delete its entry in the Table.

Maybe this also gives someone a great idea for their project.

create_infinte_timer_and_auto_destroy.tox (934 Bytes)

Best wishes