Open the following file: [url][/url]
( from topic: [url]Switching between export data? - #10 by akar - Beginners - TouchDesigner forum )
Select phong1
drag constant chan1 to phong2’s blending box
select phong1
drag constant2 chan1 to phong1’s blend box
in the ‘Confirm…’ dialog, select ‘export from project1/constant1 (Original)’
In my build 077 Pro1440, all of constant 2’s exports are cleared, not just the offending one.
open the file again and repeat steps 1 to 4
in the ‘Confirm…’ dialog, select ‘export from project1/constant2 (New)’
I can see two data lines running into phong1 when there should be only one
the data line from constant 2 disappears when constant2 changes (on cook I guess)
Two more things worth noticing:
a. when the ‘Confirm…’ dialog is open, the mouse disappears whenever it’s outside the dialog.
b. easy one… ‘Confirm…’ should probably have three dots not two!