Extensions not initializing on start in 2023 Touch Build

ISSUE: In build 2023.11600, container COMP extension does not init on project start.

I’ve included two projects here, each containing one container COMP which prints a statement and sets a constant value in the extension initialization. Both projects were created and saved in their respective builds, 2022.35320 and 2023.11600.

In the 2022 build, the component extension initializes whereas in the 2023 build it does not.

InitTests_2022_35320.toe (4.2 KB)
InitTests_2023_11600.toe (4.2 KB)

Opening the 2022 build project in Touchdesigner 2022.35320:

Opening the 2023 build project in Touchdesigner 2023.11600:

I can use execute DAT to force initialization in the meantime, but I thought I’d raise the flag on this discrepancy.

I noticed there was a post describing a similar problem here . I would agree that having an init on load toggle for extensions would be nice to have.

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Thanks for the report. I’ve found the issue and will sort out a fix.

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Thanks so much!

Just wondering if a fix for this has been released yet and if so in which build? Thanks!

It should be fixed in 2023.11760 and later builds.