I’ve built several VJ-UI’s but I always wonder if I should use external Tox-files or not for my project files.
My main problem is that when the Tox-files are external tox’s, I want them to reference certain parameters (say for example, in a big data base-comp).
When creating these seperate Tox-files, this data-comp doesn’t exist so you get errors.
What is the best way to handle this? Any advice?
In my opinion, using external Toxes is good practice, but it has drawbacks, such as problems with saving everything properly.
External Toxes are even more important if: the project is big, more than one person is working on the project (especially at the same time), you use version control software, or you plan to reuse part of the project in the other future projects.
Regarding the second part, if I understand your problem correctly, you probably should not reference some outside parameters (like database comp) from inside the component that you would like to externalize. All communication should be done through custom parameters (and of course also ins and outs). That approach allows you to build in some sense an interface to communicate and control with your Comp from outside. And then you connect for example that database with these parameters. Then, it is easier to reuse the Comp. Additionally, you can then modify the inside of the component without worrying that this will break its dependencies to the project that you use it within. On the other hand, you can also use this component (or give it to someone else to use) without complete knowledge about its inner workings. The only thing you need to know to use it is what parameters should you set.