I have a Container with several in/out nodes saved to a tox file.
In a separate Project, I create an empty Container, and point the /externaltox parameter to the saved .tox file.
This all works great, and the external file is loaded in dynamically. I see the input and output connections, and get it all connected up to the network in my project.
However, every time that I exit and load up the toe project, all (some) of the connection wires for the tox are missing. I can reconnect it up and save the toe, but the next time I load the project up they are gone again.
the select thing is gonna be a bit unwieldy the way i have things organized right now, because there are multiple chop and top inputs. so that would mean creating a ton of selects around each of these containers.
i uploaded a really simple example file so you can see what im talking about.
In the ex, the Source.tox is defined in the same toe and then saved out. However in my actual case the Source.tox is a much larger project that is separate from the one it is being used in. Source.tox (382 Bytes) TestDynamicContainer.5.toe (4.13 KB)