Extract positions of the leaves from LSystem

Hi! Say I got this LSystem example attached below. How do I get only the instances where the leaves is attached so I can instance them individually? I tried deleting all the points except for the last ones on every branch but I cannot get it right.

Any idea how to extract the positions of the leaves (J) ?

LSystem_instances.tox (3.06 KB)

Hi Acroscene,

Try setting all of the leaves into a group. [ docs.derivative.ca/index.php?ti … _L-systems ] Then, you could use a Delete SOP to delete all points NOT in that group, and then use a SOP to CHOP to get the individual leaf positions. This would be much faster in a shader, depending on a use case, but more complicated to set up.

I was able to isolate the extremities of L-System using a sopto CHOP with width as attribute scope. A chop to TOP followed by glsl TOP made possible to choose vertex with the biggest weight and send it to glsl MAT to produce complex flowers in shader.
I cannot send a patch now because it was part of a biggest project but it worked very well with three complex trees with lot of flowers.
You can see images here, at 8’
have a nice day,