I’m trying to have the value of an input modify a parameter in the transform TOP (tx for example). I’m using arduino to import a sensor value and then using select to read that value from the arduino. However I am trying to get it to modify the parameter in the transform top but it isn’t working. When i drag the select to the tx parameter it copies it as op('select3') which throws an error because tx has to be a float. I want to axess the value of select3 and have that be tx. Any ideas on how to do this? Or how to have arduino input modify images?
from the image, I assume that select3 is Table DAT.
When you drag the whole select3 node to the tx translate parameter it refers to the whole node not the value inside the node.
To use the value from the first column and first row of select3 table you can use for example
The square brackets are used to indicate the appropriate row and column in a table.
Keep in mind that rows and columns are numbered from zero not from one.