Extrusion again

Hi, I still have some problems with a simple extrusion. I must be missing something, please shed some light on this. I don’t quite understand how to get rid of edges inside the extruded body. I don’t know why they are there and don’t quite get why I need them. They don’t really bother me I think but I’d prefer not to have them I think :slight_smile:
The much bigger issue, although I’d really appreciate a comment on both of these, is I’m always getting artefacts. I don’t know what they are, where they come from or how to get rid of these.
Attached is an image of the edges I mean, the artefacts I mean(these are hard to see sometimes) and a tox that generated these and is supposed to show what I’m doing.
Thank you a lot!
extrudeExample.tox (982 Bytes)

Have you tried simply transforming the group selection vertically instead?
Looks like Extrusion isn’t working with sets of shared edges as nicely as you’d expect.
Perhaps creating a closed polygon from your selection, transforming a copy up, and skinning might work.
Just some random thoughts,