Hi there,
I’m playing with a RealSense D435 and Touch 2021.11180, and I discovered the faceFeatureTracking example from the Palette. Currently there is no help text in this example, so I’m can’t figure what the problem is… I understand that this one is using skeleton tracking, so I installed the Cubemos SDK and got a free trial license. Everything is up and running, including the D435, Cubemos SDK and the license.
When I drag the faceFeatureTracking from Palette, I found that there is several errors in it, and that I need to make several changes:
- RealsenseTOP - set “skeleton tracking” to ON
- RealsenseCHOP - set “Image positions normalized” to ON.
- RealsenseCHOP - set “world position” to OFF
- RealsenseCHOP - set aspect correct UVs to OFF
With this no more errors, but when I look at select6 and select9, they are expecting channel names that look like “eye*right:[uv]" and "eyeleft*:[uv]” and “eye_left_center”, but the RealsenseCHOP doesn’t have these channels! The format for eyes in the RealsenseCHOP is something like “p1/eye_r:u”. By changing some channel names in the network I managed to get the two blue circles over my eyes (but not the green square)
Also this .tox is offering options for “eyes”, “nose” and “mouth”, but these parameters aren’t used inside. Is it possible that this Palette example comes from a previous version of the skeleton tracking system? (prior Cubemos?).
Thanks in advance!