facetrackCHOP make TD crashes

Hello I’m having a crash with facetrackCHOP and a bug with facetrackSOP. the project is basically to show my face as a wireframe.

what happen is:

  • If I open my project being in front of my webcam, there is no bug, neither crash. Sometimes it can crashes when I’m no more in front of the cam and I come back.

  • When I open my project and I’m not in front of my cam, and then I put my face in front in order to use detection, two behaviors:

1 - TD doesn’t crashes but, the wireframe does’nt appear, I need to turn off then turn on facetrackSOP.

2 - TD crashes or freeze indefinitely.

  • I have this behavior with all the recent versions of TD (11760, 11880,12000).

  • I try with 2 different webcams (C920 & Anker C310) resolution 1920*1080 - 60fps or 30fps.

-I join the project and the dmp file

TouchDesignerCrash.2023.12000_5.dmp (300.3 KB)

CrashAutoSave.testcam.6.toe (10.6 KB)

  • I’m on a PC windows 11 - graphic is RTX3060- i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz - 32,0 Go

Thanks for your help!

Hi @damienpetitot

Thanks for the report.

This is logged to be looked into.



Sorry for the problems. I can reproduce it on my 3070 card as well, but the crash is deep inside Nvidia’s AR library so it’s hard to tell what is actually going wrong.

It seemed a little more stable for me if I set the landmark tracking to none, but it still crashed for me once.

I’ll dig around a little more and see what I can find.

Thanks Rob and Jet,

It seems the problem comes more from de SOP, when I desactivate the facetrackSOP, I don’t have any crashes - didn’t do a lot of tests but still, the little I did, didn’t crash…


Do you have any news or ideas how I can fix the problem?


Sorry for the delay on this one. I spend some time experimenting with it, but unfortunately still do not have any real solutions.

I thought for awhile that it may have to do with the face tracking feature getting re-initialized multiple times on startup due the cook order of the nodes involved (video in, sop & chop), but I fixed that and still get the crashes.

On my system, the crash only happens maybe 20% of the time which seems to indicate it is a timing issue between the various threads involved, but I don’t see why yet. The crash also only happens before the video initializes when it is processing empty textures. If it gets far enough to initialize the video, it seems to run fine after that. Maybe it would help to only activate the facetrack chop once you detect the video is running?

I’ll keep experimenting when I have a chance, but since the crash is inside the Nvidia library unfortunately I don’t have a lot to go on.