facetrackCHOP make TD crashes

Hello I’m having a crash with facetrackCHOP and a bug with facetrackSOP. the project is basically to show my face as a wireframe.

what happen is:

  • If I open my project being in front of my webcam, there is no bug, neither crash. Sometimes it can crashes when I’m no more in front of the cam and I come back.

  • When I open my project and I’m not in front of my cam, and then I put my face in front in order to use detection, two behaviors:

1 - TD doesn’t crashes but, the wireframe does’nt appear, I need to turn off then turn on facetrackSOP.

2 - TD crashes or freeze indefinitely.

  • I have this behavior with all the recent versions of TD (11760, 11880,12000).

  • I try with 2 different webcams (C920 & Anker C310) resolution 1920*1080 - 60fps or 30fps.

-I join the project and the dmp file

TouchDesignerCrash.2023.12000_5.dmp (300.3 KB)

CrashAutoSave.testcam.6.toe (10.6 KB)

  • I’m on a PC windows 11 - graphic is RTX3060- i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz - 32,0 Go

Thanks for your help!

Hi @damienpetitot

Thanks for the report.

This is logged to be looked into.



Sorry for the problems. I can reproduce it on my 3070 card as well, but the crash is deep inside Nvidia’s AR library so it’s hard to tell what is actually going wrong.

It seemed a little more stable for me if I set the landmark tracking to none, but it still crashed for me once.

I’ll dig around a little more and see what I can find.

Thanks Rob and Jet,

It seems the problem comes more from de SOP, when I desactivate the facetrackSOP, I don’t have any crashes - didn’t do a lot of tests but still, the little I did, didn’t crash…