I am learning how to program a ‘Cpluplus’ CHOP and I have done a copy of my CHOP sample folder on the desktop.
I then opened my ‘CHOP Sample’ solution in VisualStudio and I haven’t change anything in the code. VS rebuilt the solution without any problem.
I set in my ‘Configuration properties’, at ‘Debugging’ , as debug command to execute , TouchDesigner.exe.
When I debug my program it opens TouchDesigner smoothly, but when I insert my ‘Cplusplus’ CHOP and I link my .dll library,from the Debug folder automatically created by VS, I get the error ’ Failed to load the .dll '.
I am following the tutorial of Hugo Laliberte’ at the Montreal Summit 2019 about creating a ‘Cplusplus’ CHOP operator.
My version of Touch designer is T. D. 099 _ 10330 Not commercial ;
I have installed ‘Visual Studio 2019 Community version 16.9.0’ and I have installed:
in ‘Universal Windows platform development’ : 'Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0) and ‘C++ (v 142) Universal Windows Platform Tool’
and in ‘NET Desktop development’ : ‘Net Framework 4 - 4.6 development tools’ and ‘.NET Framework 4.6.1 development tools’ as suggested in the tutorial.
Any help? Any idea what the problem could be and how to fix it?