here is my process… possible this is where the error is…
create a model that have sub object materials in my model software of choice…
export that as FBX
import that into TD
at this point, I have a model that has objects and material IDs and looks correct
now I go DOWN to the base, where I have a Material and a Mesh
I place an OutSop on the mesh, so that it can go up One level go into a MergeSop
I do this for each of the model pieces, so that they become one model again and not individual pieces… then I feed that into an OutSop to go up to the next level and into a BlendSop
At the MergeSop I loose the material… and it becomes a default grey…
I’m missing something that carries the material connection through the blends or I am using the wrong method to blend the models.
thx in advance… mJR