FBX material lost in merge or blend

here is my process… possible this is where the error is…

create a model that have sub object materials in my model software of choice…

export that as FBX

import that into TD

at this point, I have a model that has objects and material IDs and looks correct

now I go DOWN to the base, where I have a Material and a Mesh

I place an OutSop on the mesh, so that it can go up One level go into a MergeSop

I do this for each of the model pieces, so that they become one model again and not individual pieces… then I feed that into an OutSop to go up to the next level and into a BlendSop

At the MergeSop I loose the material… and it becomes a default grey…

I’m missing something that carries the material connection through the blends or I am using the wrong method to blend the models.

thx in advance… mJR

Materials are applied at the Geometry COMP level, the component that is holding the SOPs. So when you use an Out SOP and gather all your geometry into a single Merge SOP, this is likely outside any Geometry COMP or the containing Geometry COMP doesn’t have a material applied.

You can fix this by applying a Material to a Geometry COMP that contains your Merge SOP, however, since you’ve merged all your geometry together the same material will be applied to the entire geometry.