Feedback chop dangerously unstable

In Touch 088 64 bit build 10780 and earlier including 077 the following steps lead the main editor to become unresponsive.

  1. launch touch designer and delete default members of project1

  2. add keyboard in to math to feedback and loop back to math

result is playing takes 10+ seconds to advance each frame, clicking pause is unresponsive but editor can be closed if window close button is pressed and patience is applied

  1. during cook of feedback loop press and hold pause button until highlighted

result is editor highlight’s pause button and then never recovers with task manager required to stop the process

I realize there are additional steps to using feedback chop safely but outcome of step 3 seems a deeper issue in basic operation of the application.

So basically, the feedback is producing 1 channel.
This is being fed back into the Math CHOP with the original keyboard channel, resulting in 2 channels.
These channels are being fed through the Feedback, and back into the Math CHOP, which includes these 2 with the original keyboard channel, producing 3 channels etc.
The number of channels quickly grows to hundreds in a few moments, causing the unresponsiveness.
Not sure what the correct course of action in this case is, as its behaving as predicted.
You should probably setup your Math parameters before hand (to output a single channel), or turn off the Power button in the editor before wiring up the Feedback CHOP.
Hope that helps,

Thanks for the explanation.

It seems I can single step 14 times before channels doubling creates fatal load on my setup.

As the OnOff button does not reset graph I think the redraw of 32K channels in ui is major problem.

Perhaps a future version could use a win32 keyboard event hook so that some kind of reset is possible from keyboard that could abort current cook and reset all operators and cancel current UI refresh. Having to resort to killing the process is a real pain.

There is a reset button on the Feedback CHOP I believe.
You could hold it in reset to make sure everythings setup properly.

We do currently support ctrl+break for exiting of tscript loops, but agreed, a lower level function would definitely be in order.

What type of functionality are you trying to achieve with the Feedback CHOP?
You might also consider using a CHOP Execute DAT to monitor the Keyboard CHOP without feedback loops, or perhaps setting up Panel keyboard shortcuts.


Thanks for all the information and suggestions Rob.

I was using feedback loop for combining a bunch of impulse and drag calculations. This “momentum” cycle I also sent to speed which fed into geom position/orientation.

I’ve ditched feedback on a series of math chops and switched to using a ladder of filters which is going fine.


I have manual rotate and thrust for testing, and want to try some basic collision surfaces next.