Feedback-TOP creates blurry trails (used in a spectogram)

hey there,
i am into turning a spectogram into a virtual landscape. to create the spectogram a TOP-feedback-loop is used. my problem is: as soon i change the y-translate of the transform-TOP my feedback-trail becomes blurry. either I increase (so the spectogram is faster) or decrease it (so the spectogram becomes slower).
so, as soon I change the y-translate to a value other then ‘1’ it results in blurry trails.

somehow I get it, why that happens if the spectogram moves slower, because then it’s like more rounds of feedback (=degrading of information) happening, but I don’t get it why it happens when the spectogram moves faster.

is there any way to have feedback trails which do not becomes blurry? it would be great because my virtual landscape which is created further down the road would keep its shape by moving through space and not becoming weirdly soft.
see this sound.toe (160.1 KB)
[](https://Video of the Loop)