Figuring out TD > how to add webcam history on top eachother


For learning purposes I decided to try to make something like this:

Very nice trick. The way I figured is works something like this:

  • Blur webcam image as input 1
  • input 2, Level the webcam image so only the light is still visible
  • Make it black/white (level/chroma/something)
  • Blur it
  • Use this as a mask between webcam data en blurred version of webcam data


  • How to remember the path that the light has traveled / iow: how to add the white information each cook on top of the former image/state of the mask? Write is out to disk?(too slow i think), cache+someting?

If someone could point me in the right direction, thnx!


the feedback TOP!

threshold TOP will be useful too

Thnx, playing with it.

Also, if you want your feedback effect to fade away smoothly and over longer periods of time (by putting a level top with <1 alpha after the feedback), set your input TOP’s pixel depth to 32 bit float