Files not opening on second computer

Hello all,

I am brand new to using Touchdesigner so forgive my ignorance if I missed the answer to this in a piece of documentation. I am using a non-commercial licences for Touch. I currently have it installed on two different PC’s and have run into an issue when trying use files on my different computers. When I try to open a file on my desktop I get a load error saying that no such file or directory is found. It doesn’t matter if the file was created on this PC or on my laptop. I have not run into this issue on my laptop. It seems like the file that I created as I was going though the tutorials will open fine on it.

Does anyone have any idea what might be causing my desktop to be able to open the files. Thanks for any help that you can give.


The currently TouchDesigner doesn’t support unicode folder names, does the directory your file is located in have non-english characters in it?

This is all fixed in the 2018.40000 series of builds, which are coming out later this year.

All the folders that I am working from have English names some of them have spaces, but I have tried to move the file out of the folders and on to the desktop, and still have the same issue. I am able to open files created on my desktop that I have saved on my laptop, but once I save and close a file on my desktop I can not open it again with out getting no directory found error.

It is just seems very strange that one computer can access the files even when the are in the shared folder on Dropbox, yet the other can not.