Filling in table with Python

Could anybody get me started on filling in a table using Python?
For instance, how to I set the value of the first cell ( in [0, 0] )

If it is called table1 I have tried


And put text into text1, but it does not work. Any suggestions?

If you want to write the value of the text dat into the table:

op(‘table1’)[0,0].val = op(‘text1’).text

You can use .text on Text dats instead of [0,0]. As far as I know, it amounts to the same thing.

you could also simply do:

op(‘table1’)[0,0] = op(‘text1’).text

[0,0] and text are identical in the case of single-row, single-column tables.

Note, instead of 0,0 you can also pass in string labels, corresponding to row and column headers:

op(‘tabel1’)[‘month’, ‘sales’] = op(‘text1’).text etc

For more information on how to access cells see: … g_Contents

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