I’m am working with a pointcloud of an object. I’m making the points move with a noise and through feedback they create wavy hair strands. I would like the noise to affect only certain colored points and leave the rest as is. i found how to add color to my pointcloud with a pointfileselect and a mathy to multiply it by 0.003 and the use it as a color instance. however i cannot seem to find a way to select a ceratin color to get through the noise feedback network that i use as a reference to instancing (tsanslate op).
as your question is a bit complex, it’s best to also post or link to an example file that illustrates your issue.
From what I understand you might move the color also through the feedback which is unnecessary - the color could just bypass the feedback all together.
thank you for taking time and answering. i just edited the question to add a screenshot and a toe file. I am not moving the color through the feedback, but I cannot find any way to filter the colors so that only certain colored particles get affected from the noise.
you can use a RGB Key TOP to key out a certain color range from the pointfile’s colors as a separate branch… The keyed out pixel’s alpha can now be used to multiply with the Noise TOP and therefor only affect the points with a certain color.
Sorry - sounds convoluted but should be easy to implement: