“It is always by way of pain one arrives at pleasure.” - Marquee de Sade
Marquee Mode 1.0 features:
- A UI fit for rigorous twenty first century computing, light-grey text and dark grey panels
- Fully customizeable scroll speed: From 0 to 1
- Beautiful way to personalize professional and collaborative TouchDesigner projects of any scale
- Operates on ops with any length of name!
- Interactive frame rate and real-time updates
- Don’t worry! If the text scrolls off the end, it just comes right back to the start!
- Most viewport functionality is preserved
[video]Marquee Mode - YouTube
“Why doesn’t it scroll in reverse? Can I change the font?” - Ars Electronica
“Marquee is a revolutionary innovation in concept art that is sweeping the nation” - The New Aesthetic
marquee.tox (726 Bytes)