First Attempts at Instancing in TouchDesigner - Help

I’m just starting with TouchDesigner and trying to understand how instancing works. I’ve watched several methods and tutorials, but every time I replicate them, no image appears in the Geo. I follow the tutorials step by step, but nothing shows up, and there are no error messages either.

Could someone point out if there might be a necessary preliminary operation or a specific configuration for the Geo or the material to make it work? I have the feeling it’s a small detail that I missed due to my current level of knowledge.

Additionally, if you know of any detailed texts about how instancing works and what it is, I’d appreciate it. So far, the best text I’ve read is by Matthew Ragan, but since I’m a complete beginner with these tools, I’d like to understand the background much better.

Thank you!


Can you post a .toe file that isn’t working so we can look at it to try to see what the issue may be? :slight_smile:

Hi, flowb :blush:

Thanks for your reply! Here is the .toe file.
Instancing problem.toe (10.0 KB)

Thanks again.


I can’t seem to load this .toe file on my M3 MBP. It crashes on launch.

Not sure if it’s a windows vs. Mac issue. Can you post a screenshot of your network?


Interesting. When I try to cook the pointsGenerator COMP in your project my instance of TD crashes. I removed it, added a new copy of it from the palette and got it working. Not sure if this was modified somehow?

Regardless, it looks like the reason you weren’t getting any points is because the ‘Add Points’ parameter was not turned on in your add SOP

Without this enabled you were essentially instancing empty geometry :slight_smile:

I’ve attached an updated project that I believe behaves as expected. I (finally) rolled forward to 12120 while trying to figure out why your old project was crashing on my machine. So you might need to update (or just ignore the backwards compatibility warning on launch).

Instancing problem_fm.toe (10.1 KB)


Thank you. that was the problem!

Sorry for my late reply and Happy New year!
