First live gig - random thoughts and lessons

Just writting up ‘trip report’. Lustix (who’s around in the forums) and I were able to perform live for the closing song at a morgan page (LA DJ) on his seattle leg of the tour which featured a big ol’ 3D screen. We had been working on a personal project and were going to demo it for the guys who put on the show and it snowballed into us being able to give touch a go in a live setting. We really wanted to show these guys an alternative to pre-rendering clips and simply playing them back. We had about a week to pull together.

It was all rendered geometry relying on no texture maps or video clips. We decided to really perform it we couldn’t be clicking around in touch - plus I was paranoid to dive into any networks during the show so as not to cause any stalls in the playback.

We ended up using a decade old thrust master flight joystick to fly the camera around and rigged up the buttons to fire off some compositing effects. This was coupled with touch osc running on an ipad over wifi to sequence the various geometry components and sliders for the overall lighting setups.

The joystick worked great - the OSC over wifi was not such a good idea (but it worked!). First the lack of a physcial button to press really decreases your confidence and sometimes makes it hard to touch the correct item. We had about an hour of nightmare when we arrived when we couldn’t get OSC to talk to touch over the network. It ended up being windows firewall. :imp: Also, after the place packed out, I’m guessing all the wifi phone noise was what caused some inconsistent behavior in the contrls and the touch network would stick sometimes - or lag. I only ever do this again with hard wired gear. It was stressful enough without wondering if your button press was making it through okay.

Of course we had no access to the 3D rig before we showed up, nor had we actually tested the laptop’s ability to output to a second monitor. For whatever reason when the external feed was hooked up over hdmi, touch’s frame rate dropped to 5 frames a second on an nvidia 760m. I’m not sure what’s up with that. I’d like to investigate that more, as I really didn’t expect that. We tried, cloning and extending the desktop but it just simply wouldn’t run well. I’m wondering if others are doing gigs off laptops this way?

Luckily the tour was sponsored by alienware so we had access to a quadro k5000 which saved our butt. The regualar VJ didn’t have way to tap our feed into the mixer board so we had to do a hard HDMI swap - the Quadro’s ability to save out the monitor EDID really was god send (thanks for showing me that Jarret!) as it prevented some gastly windows desktop appearing during the hard switch blowing the vibe for all the candy kids. I will say though we noticed some video tearing on a strobe effect - something I thought a Quadro would took care of - though it couldn’t have been the weird video format we were outputting for the 3D screen.

I ended up revising some parts of the toe 30 minutes before in the pit amid the crazies, though I was super paranoid I was going to break something - I probably won’t to that again either. We also created a 3d hashtag title on the fly to show off for the producers - basically sell them up on the whole process of doing things in realtime.

At the end the kids screamed, people liked it enough and we got to call it an exciting trial by fire. I’d just like to say thanks to derivative for making this kind of thing possible and all those on the forum that I’ve learned so much from. I’d encourage all of you to keep rocking.

Thanks so much for sharing this. I’ve kept hearing about that 3D tour and I was curious what kind of tech they were using on it. Doesn’t seem to be much info on the web about what it was done with. Such a short timeframe much have been insanely stressful, glad everything turned out great! Is there any video of it available?

FWIW in my experience OSC over wifi is terribly laggy… Best bet is to set up the performance machine as an ad hoc network and connect the wireless device to that directly. Latency was much improved but still had occasional issues with the machine not registering slider changes.
Just throwing it out there since you didn’t mention specifics of how you had the wifi set up.