"First Things"-level Tutorial Issue (Node Connections)

This is a day 1 kind of issue, but I’ve done all the searching and LLM-asking I can do without making progress…

I’m working through Derivative’s Getting Started > First Things To Know page and on section 21 “Components Contain Networks of OPs with IO” I run into an issue when I try and connect an LFO CHOP to a CONTAINER COMP. I’ve followed this closely…

Let’s create a Component with a wired input and output. Press Tab, select COMP, select Container and place it in your network. Go into the Container (roller-wheel forward, or press Enter). Verify your path location in the top of the pane - it should say something like /project1/container1.

Press Tab, select TOP, select Ramp and place it. Right-click on the ramp node’s output and select an Out TOP. Press Tab, select CHOP, select the In CHOP. Go back outside the component (press u or roller-wheel backward) and create an LFO CHOPby right-clicking on the component’s input. This connects the new LFO CHOP to the input of the component.

…but my CONTAINER COMP’s input port (which is visible) goes solid when I approach with the LFO CHOP’s output wire. Meanwhile, bringing up the OP create menu from the container’s input port itself displays a very limited CHOPS menu that doesn’t include the LFO.

This occurred earlier in the tutorial as well with a different CONTAINER COMP that wouldn’t connect in the way the walkthrough described.

I’m not sure what context I’m missing. I’m coming from an Adobe PS and Premiere type background, so my intuitions around programming aren’t strong (obviously).


Your first mistake is asking LLMs about TouchDesigner. :grin:

But welcome to the community! Full of lovely humans happy to help ~! :slight_smile:

Your issue is probably because the input of your container COMP was created with the wrong OP family.

The LFO CHOP is a CHOP, the green family.

In the Container COMP, the input should be an In CHOP.

So when you go inside the Container COMP, make sure the In you see is green.

See attached file.


LFOCHOP_To_ContainerCOMP_Input.toe (3.8 KB)

Ah, IN is common across families, thank you. Did indeed mistake the In TOP for the In CHOP. Much appreciated!

*The LLM was a last resort after much googling, but in its technical defense, it elegantly reworded my question back at me with the correct recommendation that I … consult a forum, lol.

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Right, glad we solved what the mis-step was. Let us know if anything else is puzzling.