Fix trail range to arbitrary value option

Hello there,

I have been wishing this for a while… It would be great to have an option to fix the range of the Trail CHOP to be in some min/max range, instead of the CHOP automatically adjusting itself to the min/max values of the current signal. Sometimes when monitoring continuous signals it is more convenient to have a fix point of reference for monitoring than a dynamic range change.

Thank you!


you can do this on any chop

Make the viewer active
right click on it
“vertical range”

specify your "other"value and select it from this dropdown menu

Screen Shot 2019-06-10 at 2.32.04 PM.png

Hey Harvey,

Wow! I have been using Touch for years now and never noticed that! Very silly of me! I should pay more attention to the submenus :smiley:
Thanks a lot for this!!!
