FIXED: 088.62370 win10.64 . Animation does not work


When I try to animate a channel with the animation Comp,
no channels are created in the animation editor.

Doing the same in another build (099 in my case) behaves as expected.

Opening the scene with animations created in 099 build in 62370 also works.


Sorry bout that.
If you download the very next build, this is now fixed:


Hi All,
It seems this bug (or very similar) is back, this time in 099-5940.
Channel animation data created in 088 plays back ok in 099, but does not show up in the editor.

If the Animation Editor was left open when the file is saved, when you re-open the file it will open empty and not connected to the Animation COMP. Right-clicking on the Animation COMP and re-opening the Animation Editor will re-establish the connection. We’ve made a note to fix it was well.

Animation Editor losing connection when you re open a file has been fixed in 2017.7080. Unfortunately it’ll require that you re save out the file.