FIXED: 099.20700 - Cant drag channel in perform mode

Not sure if this is by design but we’ve noticed that if we set “always on top” for a window and then we have an op viewer with channels and a parameter comp then you cant drag and drop channels from one to another.


You can re-create in SimpleMixer by dragging one of the three audio channels in the interface to a parameter below.

Silly question but are you using OP Viewer COMP or TOP?

OP Viewer COMP, also if I quit out of perform mode after doing the drag straight away I’m getting the odd crash too.

In SimpleMixer I took v1 channel and dragged in onto ‘Color offset’ and got the normal pop-up dialog asking for Export which I said yes to and it worked.

Am I dragging to the wrong parameters?
See image…
I am using 2018.21150


Hey Ben,

Yeah sorry it’s only when /perform is set to always on top. At the moment I turned it off as it was broken but if you toggle it on then you’ll see the issue.

Got it, yeah see the issue now. Thanks

This should be fixed in the latest experimental 2018.21670