Kinda related with RESOLVED: 2018.25850 - Replicator within a replicator
Hello everyone,
Still in the same network as the linked issue, if you go within, for example, project1/system1/body4, you will notice when checking the Substance TOP named AFFplanoid that all the exports are said as “Not found”. The same problem is noticeable in /project1/bodyMaster1.
I am not quite sure on why those exports are not found, while the whole chain should have been cooking with the “textureData” DAT being updated with random values during replication.
The solution to fix the problem is to either right click the DAT or Dat to CHOP and say “Force cook” or eventually change those exports for Python expressions on the Substance TOP.
While there is a work around, I found the problem intriguing enough to open that issue. I am not sure if it really is a bug or if I am doing that is not recommended, but thought that it might be interesting to discuss it anyways.
Thank you for your time,
Michel (638 KB)