FIXED: 2018.25850 MacOS Multicast sACN incorrect IP address

Really should have reported this earlier, sorry. at the very least since 2018.22270, the multicasting functionality in the DMXOut OP in MacOS has been broken. I have a device that needs about 10 universes of data, everything is properly routed, but Touch only ever sends out messages to, no matter how many universes I’m trying to send.

Thank you

Hello Eshkrab,
I just tested multicast with 10 universes on my Mac, it seems to be working fine here in 2018.25850. Could you upload the an example file with the DMX Out CHOP so we can see your settings and help troubleshoot. You can place a Null CHOP in front and lock it to so we can see your input data as well.


Here’s a test scene. If I run this on windows 10, touch build 2018.25000 and monitor in wireshark I can see a packet sent to for each frame. Running the same file on my mac (with macOS Sierra and td 2018.26450), wireshark shows just one packet sent per frame, to

Also on the topic of the dmxout chop, it seems that it outputs data at 2/3 of the rate par. I use me.time.rate*1.5 as my rate expression, so when running the scene at 60, rate says it is 90 and actually outputs at 60. If the rate par is set to 60, it outputs at 40.

sACN_multicast_test.toe (4.99 KB)

Thank you for the example, we will attempt to reproduce it

This will be fixed in the next official build: 2018.26740+. As a workaround in the meantime, if you don’t need the local address parameter then you can remove the “*” and just leave it blank.