Using a timer that is set to re-start on done and has a table of segments each having length, cyclelimit, and maxcycles values, I’ve been able to manually pulse Go To Next Segment to skip to the next segment as needed. In the previous stable build, it would skip ahead to the next segment and proceed with respect to cyclelimit and maxcycle values. In 2019.14650, it ignores all cyclelimit and maxcycle values, runs through each segment once, and re-starts from segment 0, respecting cyclelimit and maxcycle values again. Current workaround is to revert to previous stable build or call goToNextSegment() which seems to behave as expected.
nextsegmentbug.toe (4.78 KB)
Thanks, investigating…
Thanks for the great example. This will now be fixed in 2019.14800+
New build now available - 2019.15230