if the button in op(‘replicator1’)
“Recreate All Operators” is pressed,
no data is displayed in the op(‘merge1’).
if Viewer op(‘merge1’) is turned Off and returned to On, it starts working correctly.
In the node op(‘merge2’) after the node op(‘merge1’) everything works correctly all time.
But if the information starts changing at the input,
Information begins to display in the op(‘merge1’).
welcome to the community and thanks for documenting this bug! We’ll have a look at it.
While looking at your file I saw a couple things you might find interesting to implement that might simplify the network.
using a Select CHOP instead of the In CHOP in your replicants saves you from having to wire things up via a script
instead of using the Execute DAT inside each replicant, use the callbacks of the Replicator COMP. The for c in newOps: loop gives you via the variable c access to each newly created replicant. Where you use parent().digits in the Execute DAT, in the Replicator callbackloop, you would use c.digits
The Merge DAT comes with a DAT parameter that can ingest patterns to match multiple operators. So instead of wiring Out DATs to it, you can fill the parameter with item*/out1 and automatically get fetch the data.
It can be beneficial instead of using references to operators that are prefixed with parent(n) to make use of Parent Shortcuts. For example as a default Parent Shortcut, the project1 component uses the name Project - so when referencing the component /project1 from inside, you can also write parent.Project.... without having to trace the number of levels…