FIXED: [2022.28040 Win11] objectCHOP always runs on 60fps?

The sample rate of objectCHOP always shows 60fps even if I changed the project framerate from 60fps to lower fps.

This problem causes the low accuracy calculation result on further process. Please take a look at objectCHOP_resample_test.toe.

objectCHOP_resample_test.toe (10.9 KB)


Solved: When you set Output Range: Current Time Slice, then the objectCHOP’s rate became same to me.time.frame.

I don’t know this is whether a specification or bug. Although I think the rate of objectCHOP should be same to me.time.frame by default because this is hard to notice.

Hey @motoishmz

Thanks for the file and testing.

I feel like there is something odd so I’ve logged an issue with a developer for confirmation.


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It should match the timeline fps in all cases.
This is now fixed in builds 2022.29390 and later.

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Thanks @rob @JetXS !
