FIXED: [2023.11510] HAP file pixel format incorrect for "Use Input" on Movie File In TOP

I just updated to the latest Official build and opened my project. All the HAP files in my session are suddenly being identified as 10-bit RGB, 2-bit Alpha fixed (RGBA) format by default, which is wrong. They should be seen as 8-bit fixed RGBA. The incorrect setting creates visual artifacts, especially in areas with partial opacity. I have many HAPs across my project so I’d prefer to avoid manually setting them to the correct Pixel Format on each.

I’m on Windows 11 Pro, RTX A5000

Hey @attackrelease

Thanks for the report.

Which HAP codec type are you using ?


I cannot reproduce so far with a file saved in 2023.11340 and opening it in 2023.11510.

Can you use project.saveBuild to identify in which build that project was originally saved from?


hey thanks for looking into it.

Looks like my file was originally saved in 2022.35280

The file is a regular normal HAP RGBA.

i just installed 2023.11340 and 2023.11340, opened a fresh session in both, and dragged the HAP file directly in and it also comes up 10-bit RGB, 2-bit alpha there for both those builds.

when i open a fresh 2022.35320 session and drag the HAP in, the pixel format is correct 8-bit fixed RGBA.

Seems like something funky may have happened in the shift to the 2023 series?

Hey, are you sure these are Hap files and not NotchLC? Can you post an example file so we can reproduce?

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Hey Malcolm!

It’s definitely HAP. I just sent you an email with the file and screen shots.

Ok thanks for the sample. This will be fixed in builds 2023.11572 and later

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massive thanks Malcolm :pray: