Just a little thing, spacebar doesn’t seem to start and stop playback when the mouse is within the animation editor. Would be nice for easier keyframing. Thanks
Just a little thing, spacebar doesn’t seem to start and stop playback when the mouse is within the animation editor. Would be nice for easier keyframing. Thanks
Yes, it is the absolutely most annoying thing.
Is Shift-Spacebar an acceptable way to pause/unpause?
No it is not.
Not if the same software uses Spacebar in a nearby pane (network editor) but does not allow Shift-Space.
I’m used to Space = Play/Pause in a lot of editing softwares for the last 20 years…
It should be easily customizable. Editing this Config file did not work on first try.
FYI, we had spacebar pause everything about 10 years ago, and enough people complained that, although accidentally hitting it when using editing software is OK, you just press it again, that in live performances and operating panels in Perform Mode, accidentally pausing can have disastrous effects. So we made the shortcut be Shift-spacebar for panels. Animation Editor is actually a panel and the network editor isn’t. That doesn’t make your experience better, and we’ve been talking about rationalizing it for a while, and for example, the ramifications of making it be Shift-spacebar everywhere.
Let me re-phrase my question. Is Shift-Spacebar an acceptable way to pause/unpause if it was uniform throughout TouchDesigner?
Hi, yes probably.
After using TD a while longer now… you develop muscle memory for everyhing. I also get, that this Shift-Esc, Shift-Space behaviour protects an accidental stop of a live show…
Remembering the case above it was just very annoying while setting up probably 100 keyframes in the animation editor doing quick playback checks all the time…
So if you have user experience recorded for the last 10 yrs for this… maybe leave it like it is, before everyone needs to relearn it again .
Spacebar will pause in the Animation Editor in the next posted build 2022.30650+
This was simple a case of the editor UI no passing the shortcut up to the app properly and was a simple fix.
While we were in there we also fixed the arrow keys so you can nudge forward/backward by single frames, and the ctrl+c and ctrl+v now properly copies and pastes keys as described in the RMB menu.