Fixed: Bars to timeline Range Calculator

Here’s a simple component that sets the range of the timeline in touch according to the start bar and the number of bars you want to play. For example set the tempo, then set the bar where you want to Touch start playing at and the set the length (in bars) you want Touch to play for. The component will automatically set range start, and range end of the timeline.

Also your End (in the timeline controls) has to be greater than your calculated REnd.

Range_Calculator.tox (6.27 KB)

Thanks Keith, that stuff should be available in the Timeline when working in beats, its a future RFE for sure!

I noticed one problem in your networks, the two TUIK gadgets (they are not cloned) valuefield3 and valuefield4 both require the local component variable:

gadget    `opfullpath("../..")`

to keep the panels from erroring on expressions. Once you add that component variable to them both, Force Cook the nodes that are erroring and everything should be working.

That’s great news about the timeline having beats/bars snapping. I was actually going to make an RFE post about that and another timing feature that could be infinitely useful.

In the parameter fields of parameters that are using different timing units such samples,index,frames and seconds there could be another unit that is beats. This would save always needing to use a seconds_per_beat variable and then multiplying that in each field.

Thanks for the tip on the errors in the Range Calculator comp, actually I never even noticed them but I’ll fix it and upload a new version.


I make quarter note unit to seconds unit calculations and null exports in a lot of my custom components. I think it would be super handy to have quarter note units available in CHOPs etc. Imagine a filter CHOP whose filter width parameter had quarter notes as its unit.