FIXED: bodyTrack snippet TOP has poses upside down

If you use the bodyTrack snipped included in 2023.11340 the bounding boxes are rendered correctly, but the 2D poses are all upside down.


Adding another Math CHOP into bodyTrack/geo_all_bodies_2D/item1/2d_positions_cleaned and setting the Range and Common tabs as shown fixes it.


The 3D body track rendering also seems to be completely broken and haven’t figured out what exactly is going on there… maybe the Math CHOP setting the range? It does have a Math CHOP that does a Multiply by -1 for the ty values though :slight_smile:

Otherwise the multi-body tracking is really solid, thanks so much for integrating it!

Thanks for the report. Unfortunately the snippet file is a little out of date with some changes that were made in the last update.

I think if you actually just disable the existing math chop that was doing a flip ( /ui/dialogs/OPSnippetsShell/OPSnippetsOnDemand/CHOP/bodytrackCHOP/example1/bodyTrack/geo_all_bodies_2D/item1/2d_positions_cleaned/math2 ) it should fix the problem for the 2D tracking.

I think the problem with the 3D skeletons is similar, in 3d_positions_cleaned network math1 is scaling the scene from millimeters to meters, which is now done automatically. math3 and math4 in that scene are also applying flips that you can now disable.

We’ll try to get these updated for the next release.

Oh you’re amazing - bypassing those CHOPs does indeed fix the 2D and 3D mapping. Thank you!

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This will be fixed in the next build we post.

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