FIXED: Bug? I can't open toe which has my cpp TOP even CrashAutoSave

When I open a toe file which has a cpp TOP with 2020.28110 and 2020.27390.
Splash shows, but progress freezes on 30%, then created CrashAutoSave.toe.
And I can’t open CrashAutoSave.toe. But it works well with 2020.25380.

I can open with 2020.25380.
I can’t open with 2020.28110 2020.27390.

Here is the dump file.
TouchDesignerCrash.2020.28110.1.dmp (231.4 KB)

I wanna open with v2020.28110, so what should I do?

The crash seems to be occurring in a beginGLCommands() call you are doing, crashing in our code. Are you able to share your C++ project so I can reproduce the issue here? You can email it to if you wish.
If not, can you tell me which callbacks you calling beginGLCommands() from?

@malcolm Thank you for your reply.

C++ project is here GitHub - yumataesu/ExGpuVideoTOP at add-example
I pushed example toe and dump file.

And here is my spec.

  • OS : Windows 10 (19042.804)
  • CPU : Intel(R) Core™ i7-10700K
  • GPU : RTX 3080 ( studio driver 461.40 released at 01.26.2021)

Looks like this project is missing dependencies. Do you have those still to add/commit to the repo? The stuff in the GL include dir and l4z include file etc.

oh the repo has dependencies, it should build successfully with nothing.
and I’m using visual studio 2019(latest) I’ll attach vs property screenshot just in case

BTW, I’ve encountered the same problem here too
(C:\Program Files\Derivative\TouchDesigner.2020.28110\Samples\CPlusPlus\OpenGLTOP).

First of all, could you see OpenGLTOP example if the same problem occurs?
Seems to occur just by calling ‘context->beginGLCommands();’ & ‘context->endGLCommands();’
It may be possible these causes are the same.

No luck making it crash on my side with the OpenGLTOP example code. Any chance you can setup the repo so I can compile it instead?

Thank you for your check!!.
Please wait a moment.

You said “project is missing dependencies” Is it a debug build not Release?

Now I pushed update to add-example branch. I guess It builds Debug successfully too.
Could you check if you can build.

The result seems to be different between you and me.
I consider re-install OS as one solution

Thanks for the sample and sorry for the delay in answering. It seems like there is a bug with using GL commands inside the constructor of a Custom Operator. For now if you do you initialization later on, that will avoid the crash. I’ll work on a solution for the next 2021.10000 series build we post though.

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This crash will be fixed in builds 2021.14140 and later. Thanks again for the report!

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That’s good news!!
Thank you for your support!