FIXED: Cache Replacespulse.pulse() not working??

Hi Hive mind,

I’m following Matthew’s yale workshop tutorial on creating a VJ setup: … MnJvMkCE_C

On the part of using python to get the cache for all the base{digit}/null_final, after I run the script and try using a cache select to check if I get the cache for all the bases, mine only shows the first one… I tried manually changing the select TOP and clicking on the pulse button on the cache TOP and it worked fine. Anyone has an idea what’s going on here?

Attached is my tox file. Thanks!
VJ_setup.tox (11.3 KB)

Thanks for the report, I can reproduce this and I’ve moved the thread to the bugs forum. This used to at the time of the tutorial’s recording.

Hi Ben,

Thank you very much!

Experiencing the same issue. Using 099 non-commercial 64bit 2018.25000.

Any suggestions for a workaround?

Tried ‘manually’ pulsing via python script (setting replace to 1 and then to 0) and also didn’t workout. :frowning:

A work around at the moment would be to use a texture3D set to 2D Array and then to fetch the desired slice with a shader. Not an elegant solution, but does work.

Here’s an example of that working:
base_fetch_2dSlice.tox (1.51 KB)

Ahhh, good to know! Thank you Matthew!

The bug is actually in the Select TOP here, so I think if you used a Switch TOP instead of a Select to cycle through your inputs things would work correctly. We’re working on a fix too. Thanks for posting the workaround Matthew!

Thanks for the report. This bug will be fixed in 2018.25360.