The Cache TOP in the attached project freezes after a specific timespan, and remains like that until I hit the reset parameter, at which point it runs for the same span of time, then shuts down again.
The problem was not occurring when I was working on this project yesterday, but it now consistently does it, which is likely the result of some change that I made to it.
I am not able to reproduce this problem with a really simple setup: RampTOP(with LFO) → CacheTOP. (1.69 MB)
The issue here is that the Cache TOP is tagging each frame is saved with the current frame number. It avoids re-caching if you are rendering the same frame that it still has in it’s cache. Since your play bar is going from 1 - ~90, and the cache size is 128, it fills up all the slots and decided not to replace any images with new ones.
However this behavior doesn’t really make sense anymore (very very old node) so I’ll just make it cache a new texture every frame as needed.
The workaround for now is to change your REnd to something higher on your playbar.
Awesome. Thanks!