FIXED: Can not be locked with reference signal

Hello TD users,

Does anyone know how to lock the video reference signal(genlock) to TD?

Now, we are testing AJA corvid-88 video i/o on TD.
When I use Video Device Output and select AJA video device, it did not locked the reference signal and shifted to Freerun.

This is a critical problem for us working on tv production.
I don’t know this is a bug or not.

Windows 10 Pro 1803 / 17134.523
AJA Driver 14.2.1
TouchDesinger 2018.27840 / Commercial

thank you,

This is currently not supported. We will try to up its priority in the list of requests.

Builds 2019.12100 or later will include a feature in the Video Device Out TOP that will allow it to sync to the reference signal.

Hi Ben-san, Malcolm-san,

Thank you so much. :smiley:
I’d like to use this feature next time.

Hi Aokey,
You can use it now in the build 2019.12330 which is available here: … mental.asp

Hi Ben-san, Malcolm-san,

I tried to use this function last night. I think this function is not fixed yet.
The AJA control Room works fine.

AJA firmware: Corvid 88 - 2019/05/17
AJA Driver: 15.2.3
Windows: 10 Pro 1903 18362.356
TouchDesigner: 2019.18580

Can you check this feature again?

Hello aokey,

I just tried this out with Corvid 88 and in my case it worked as expected. I just had to make sure to use external reference in Video Device Out TOP instead of default.

Hey Aokey,

Can you confirm it works for you if you change the parameter as described by monty?

Hello monty_python, malcolm,

Thank you for your nice advice.
I had not noticed that the reference source is enabled when using AJA.
It works fine in the case of selected the “External Ref In” in “Reference Source” parameter.

But I don’t understand why that parameter isn’t enabled when using Blackmagic. And, what’s the “Default” means in “Reference Source” parameter when using AJA?