FIXED: Can't change timeline settings

#2023.11290 Mac OS 14.1.1
I can’t change the settings in the timeline directly, it works only when I copy/paste the values

Hi, could you let us know what value you are trying to change? I seem to be able to change all 8 values on my Mac macOS 14.2

Hello , I can’t change any of the 8 values.
it’s like if TD doesn’t recognize the numeric keys from MacBook Pro 16"
because I can paste the values,

& that’s only for the timeline settings, the numeric keys work perfectly in op & everywhere else

thank you

Ok interesting, we can’t reproduce on our Macs. What is the language setting of the OS, and what language keyboard are you using?

French & AZERTY keyboard

Thanks, that pointed us to the issue, it is indeed specific to handling input on AZERTY keyboards. Thanks for the feedback, we’ll start investigating a fix for it.

Great !!
That’s crazy I’m the only French who need to change timeline values :wink:

We have resolved this and the next build we post (2023.11370+) will include the fix.