I have a systematic crash when using the following expression in a parameter:
View the attached scene and screenshot for details.
This expression comes from the page[url]http://www.derivative.ca/wiki088/index.php?title=Python_Tips[/url].
What I tried to attempt with this expression is to get the output of the button, named out1, in the Record parameter of the Record CHOP. I know on this case there is an input for the record on the CHOP but that is just a sample case.
So could you please provide me the corresponding expression to do so?
Beside 2 suggestions:
It would be very convenient to have the build version number displayed in the title bar of TD so that it can be seen at a glance on screenshots or when TD is open ;
It would be really cool if the expression I am looking for, consisting in getting the output of an operator, could be obtained by UI manipulations. I explain myself: when I drop the Button OP onto the Record parameter the expression “/project1/ButtonToggle” appears in the Record value field. I would like to have a similar behavior when I drag and drop the output of the button onto a parameter: it would create an expression such as “/project1/ButtonToggle.outputs[out1]”. Visually it would appear as when we drad the output for an operator connection and the mouse cursor would change to the “+ and arrow” when it is over a parameter field.
I think this makes some sense.
Thank you
CrashWithPythonExpressiont.1.toe (7.74 KB)