FIXED: Crop TOP behavioral changes

Tri-Polar is not an official clinical diagnosis so far, but what would you say then is the diagnose for a Crop TOP that behaves in up to three alternative ways in an identical situation?

When for example setting its Crop Right parameter to a value bigger than the original image, the extended overlay behavior for the expanded region can alternatively be ‘hold’, ‘repeat’, or, why not, ‘zero’.

I’m trying to dig his real-self out in order to ensure some consistency in my projects, many of which have been wounded by this behavioral changes.

I would say, don’t bother deciding on which extended overlay would be more reasonable in a crop situation, just give us the option to choose ourselves the extended overlay behavior we may want in each situation. :unamused:


Thanks for reporting this. I’ve added the menu which will keep it from behaving randomly. The default value will be Repeat.