FIXED: CubeMap crash

I’m having some problems with cubemaps crashing Touch. Sometimes I can’t enter the component the cubemap top is located in, Touch will just crash, sometimes I can’t exit the component. The latter issue I was able to resolve by copying all the nodes in the cubemap component into another project and then copy/pasting them backing into a new cubemap component in the original project.

Now though I can’t enter the cubemap component. I tried doing the copy/paste trick but I can’t even enter from another project. I’ve also tried renaming the folder the cubemap images are in before loading Touch so it can’t find the images but that crashes Touch on startup. I also just tried replacing the images with some lower res versions also but that didn’t work either.

I am using 6 32 bit .exr format images but I did have the first problem last week with 8 bit tiffs.

The project itself works fine including a select tops that select the maps. Also though I’ve noticed some strange things in my shaders when a map doesn’t exist. Basically it maintains the past image and/or samples other inputs for the cubemap input. This is all in the newest 088 build and using GLSL 3.3

Here is the project I copied the component into and a couple of dump files.
TouchDesignerCrash088.x64.7680.10.dmp (197 KB)
TouchDesignerCrash088.x64.7680.2.dmp (186 KB)
CubeMapCrash.toe (7.06 KB)

yep, crashes me too (088 7680).

as soon as I loaded it and tried to enter the component, gone …

Hey thanks for checking it out Rod. Good to know it’s happening on another machine.

Hey I don’t know if you use cubemaps much but yesterday I realized that the program Terragen would make awesome 32bit maps for Touch. Worth check out if you have a free machine that can sit and render 1 still for a day :smiley:

Epic crash, Keith.

I get the same results as you and Rod.

The crash seems to happen when it can’t find the file. I’ll fix this right now. Maybe you are getting a secondary crash though, different from this one…


Never mind, your .dmp files indicate its the same bug. That doesn’t explain why you had issues with .tiff files though.
In any case the .exr related crash will be fixed in the next build.

Awesome I’m super glad you found the bug. I don’t have any dump files from the earlier tiff crash but it if it happens again, I’ll send to you. Btw I realized later that the first crash might not have been .tiff but 32bit .hdr images. I was experimenting with a bunch of maps at the time.

thanks for the quick fix