FIXED: DPX support?

I’m trying to use .dpx image files in Touch and I’m getting the ‘Failed to open the file’ error message. Is .dpx actually supported or is there something special about the encode settings I’m missing? The dpx files were created in After Effects.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
TD build: 2019.12330


Can you share a sample file?

Actually, looks like support was accidentally not compiled into the FFmpeg version we upgraded to in 2019.10000 series. I’ll add that to my high priority todo.

I see- that makes sense. Thanks!

FYI it doesn’t seem to work on 2018.27910 either.

oh, it should be working in 2018.20000 series. Can you send me an example .dpx that is failing to load?

Here you go: [url]Dropbox - flower_road_8k.dpx - Simplify your life

Thanks for the sample. DPX support will be working again in the next 2018.20000 and 2019.10000 builds we post.