FIXED: Driver NvidiaGT220

Hi there,

we are having a big problem here… we bought an ASUS graphic Card with chipset Nvidia GT220 with 1GB of memory… and the driver, this driver:

downloaded from nvidia, does NOT work with Touch Processing VVVV and also makes horizontal stripes on Win7x64Ultimate! Where i could find a good driver???

Please heeeeelp! We were supposed to open the installation this morning, and we are really out of time!


You can get archive drivers on the Nvidia site. It sounds like the graphic card may be faulty also though.

I try to downolad the driver from official Nvidia website, but didn’t work.

The problem was that the driver has to be downloaded from the official site of ASUS and NOT from Nvidia site.

Now it’s working good on Win7 x64 Ultimate.

Thank you,