It would be great if the File DAT or whatever the operator is called that reads in Tables
could also support a path on an extrenal server using http://
WOW! The future is here.
Thanks for such a quick turnaround.
This is what I’ve done:
- I made a bunch of DAT tables in Touch. they contain rgb values for color palettes
- I uploaded them to my website:
(turns up blank since the web page is blank yet the files are all there. i checked with
an ftp client).
the files are called pentacolor.0.dat through pentacolor.80.dat
I want to access them with the Web DAT.
How should I set up my files on the web so Web DAT can read them?
It would be great if the Web DAT had a similar function as the “$N” in other File Read/write Touch operators.
Ps- I did get the Web DAT to work with html code directly - excellent!
I found a tab-delimited ASCII file that lists contact details of all of the people in the U.S. Congress
Simply plug this in to a Web DAT URL path
and click on “Fetch” … ess.db.txt
pipe the result into a Convert DAT and you should get an idea of what is possible.
I attached the project file.
Due to my lack of really understanding the evaluate DAT, how would i quickly go about separating
democrats from republicans in this example? thanks
congress.toe (23.4 KB)
Evaluate DAT with output type Expressions, and the following 2 cell table as your second input
ifs(strcmp(tab(opinput(“.”,0),$R,$C+1),“D”), “-”, $V) $V
then delete the entries with - in it. a bit cumbersome though. maybe we need a delete DAT that
will delete by values?