FIXED: Folder DAT cannot identify Chinese filename picture or video

Hi everyone, I had been experience a very weird issue that my folder DAT suddenly cannot read the files which are Chinese characters. Does anyone help me to try that?

When you say suddenly, do you mean it was showing them before, and then it stops?

yes, I followed a tutorial, it works well at first. Then the issue happened,I don’t know the particular timestamp

The screenshot seems to show that the files are currently syncing from a cloud drive. Is that still occuring? Can you show a more recent screenshot where the files have completed syncing?
Can you also put a file in that directly with an english filename and see if it shows up?

Another weird situation happened:

  1. while I put Chinese file name with mp4 extension in the local drive, the folder OP can identify the Chinese name; While I put Chinese file name with mp4 extension in the dropbox folder, folder OP cannot identify the Chinese name.

  2. while I put Chinese file name with mov extension in the local drive, the folder OP cannot identify the Chinese name; While I put Chinese file name with mp4 extension in the dropbox folder, folder OP can identify the Chinese name.

Thanks for the details - we can recreate some of these and are taking a look.

This will be fixed in the next release. It turns out the bad behaviour depended on whether the file was already on the filesystem when the Folder DAT first scanned the folder or if it got added later.