FIXED: Kinect V2 Color Point Cloud shows unwanted line pattern

Hi there,

The kinectPointCloud example from the palette browser shows a very disrupting scaling issue throwing diagonal lines of missing points. Is there anything that can be done about this? I’m not exactly sure if its due to the way the GLSL script positions the particles or if it already is in the Kinect TOP’s output.

@snaut this example is based on your GLSL explanation correct? Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks and best,

These are two screenshots of the same color pointcloud taken from Brekel, another point cloud capture software. I just took a look inside the 3D viewer of Kinect Studio, this one also shows a consistent point cloud.

there is nice trick you can try,
on the point cloud texture before using it.

if pixel value is pure zero ,
sample a random pixel and ask same condition.
once its not zero,
draw a pixel + small random value.

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The grid is in the pointcloud - we’ll have a look at what we can do to resolve this.

@snaut Thanks for looking into this, been trying to work out all day if it was an issue on my side or from the kinect itself. Seems like it’s something in the Kinect TOP output.

I’m actively working on a project atm that needs to go live at the start of next month, what do you think the chances are of a fix? Otherwise I’ll have to come up with a different way to bring the pointcloud into TD.

Hey, I think we can likely fix this soon. Do you happen to know what the resolution of the pointcloud you get is from Brekel?

This is the info I get from Brekel on startup, hope it helps.

Seems like those points are just areas where point cloud positions can’t be determined, since the Color Point Cloud is higher resolution than the Depth image.
I’ve added a new Depth Point Cloud mode, which is lower resolution, but has cleaner output. I think this is likely what other apps are outputting.
I’ve also added the ability to remap the color image to depth space, so that you can apply color to the point cloud that is in depth space.

Great Malcolm,

I tried to implement random empty edges fill.
@mickvanolst can you check if it works for you ?

maybe it can help a little and be optimized.
it can be heavy on the gpu.

update :
added fix , 2d and 3d version of the same concept.
randomly_fill_empty_edge.toe (5.0 KB)

Amazing work everyone! :slight_smile:

@barakooda I like the idea, tested it, but it was giving too much noise on the already visible particles though, maybe it doesn’t quite like the colorspace of the kinect output.

I had the same problem but solved it just by changing in the Kinect window from “Color Point Cloud” to “Depth Point Cloud” … By doing this the lines dissapeared …